I've choised the first type of camo with the sky color that cover the upper surfaces and runs over onto the sides as well. This type of camo was found on the hull of a few rare cars (1) from the M67200 series.
(1) In the French Cavalery all the armored vehicles of any type was called "cars"
This TSF (radio equiped) Somua is the car number 43 of the 3th Squadron of the 4th Cuirassiers. It's the command vehicle of the 2th Squadron Group (equiped with Hotchkiss H-35). This car has the licence plate number 67254. It was the command vehicle of the commandant Thélin (2th Squadron Group leader)
The french rundels (cocardes) was adopted by the Cavalery in the spring of 1938. This vehicle shows a typical disposition of the 5 cocards.
The right side emblem of the 4th Cuirassier (Jeanne d'Arc on his horse) was wrong on the Tamiya decals sheet because Jeanne d'Arc MUST ALWAYS LOOKS FORWAD ! So I hand repainted the right side emblem on the original one.
Colors used :
- Hataka A095 Gris Bleu clair
- Hataka A096 Gris clair neutre
- Ammo of Mig 060 Pale Gren
- Hataka A094 Vert olive
- mix of 50% of Hataka 098 Terre d'ombre and 50% of Ammo of Mig 064 Pale Brown
- the tracks are base painted with Ammo of Mig 035 Dark tracks
Some color variations has been painted to add basic zenithal effects.
Next step : The weathering !